Greenhouse Gas Accounting (GHG)

Empowering Business Leaders to Thrive

Why Choose Our Greenhouse Gas Accounting Services?

In today’s competitive and environmentally conscious market, sustainability is not just an option—it’s a strategic imperative. Business leaders must navigate the complexities of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to stay ahead. At Iconergy, we provide robust GHG Accounting services that empower you to take control of your carbon footprint, meet regulatory requirements, and showcase your commitment to the environment. Our expert team delivers comprehensive solutions that align with your business goals and sustainability aspirations. We guide you through every step of GHG accounting, providing the insights and support you need to drive operational excellence and environmental leadership.

What is Greenhouse Gas Accounting?

A Greenhouse Gas Inventory is a summary of the emissions that a company creates as a result of doing business. It allows a company to determine the amount of emissions it is producing, compare itself to other companies in its sector, and show the impact of reduction strategies on its customers.

Greenhouse gas accounting is performed with the ultimate goal of reducing your business’s carbon footprint. But your carbon footprint is much more than a list of numbers and statistics. GHG inventories can help you optimize your business model, reduce energy costs, improve employee comfort, and provide accountability to investors.

For example, many corporate companies already require regular GHG accounting for investment accountability. Not to mention, new local and federal energy regulations will likely make GHG Accounting a requirement in the near future (more on this later)!

So, let’s take a closer look at how GHG Accounting works.

Key Benefits of Our GHG Accounting Services

We take a detail-oriented approach to GHG accounting—for us, that means factoring in your building size, business type, inventory, energy systems, and more. This allows us to create a GHG inventory that will work as a resource for your business, and as a starting point for any future work.

We divide our GHG inventories into three “scopes” in accordance with GHG Protocol guidelines.

Scope 1:

These are emissions that are directly from company-owned resources, such as vehicles and heating equipment on site.

Scope 2:

These are emissions that are produced as a result of purchased electricity. The power company burns fossil fuels to generate the power that your company consumes and Scope 2 emissions account for that production.

Scope 3:

These are emissions that come from your value chain and include categories such as your business travel, the emissions from the waste generated in your operations, and the emissions your employees create as they commute to the job site, among other categories.

Once we have a clear understanding of your daily operations, we’ll begin our GHG accounting process:

Consulting & Initial Assessment

We’ll start by setting you up with one of our experienced consultants. You’ll meet our team, discuss your objectives for your GHG inventory, and begin our initial assessment of your building.

Data Collection

We’ll utilize cutting-edge energy technology, and existing system integration to measure your carbon footprint. We may perform short-term inventories, long-term inventories, or both depending on your building.

Emissions & Calculation Analysis

After the data collection period, we’ll complete a comprehensive GHG calculation and analysis. Our team will perform quality checks to ensure the data we’ve collected is accurate.

Results Presentation & Next Steps

During this phase, we’ll present charts and graphs to make sense of your GHG data. Our team will walk you through each component of your carbon footprint, the weaknesses in your energy system, and potential next steps to maximize efficiency.

GHG Reporting

We’ll deliver our GHG inventory in accordance with major reporting standards at your request.

1. Consulting & Assessment
We work with you to determine your key objectives for your GHG Inventory.Our consultants thoroughly assess your regulatory environment and requirements, ensuring effective compliance.
2. Data Collection

We gather and analyze data from all relevant sources, including energy usage, transportation, and supply chain activities. Our team works with you to ensure accurate and comprehensive data collection.

3. Emissions Calculations

Using advanced tools and methodologies, we calculate your total GHG emissions. We provide detailed breakdowns by source and scope, making it easy to understand and act on your data.


4. Reporting and Documentation

Receive thorough reports that comply with global standards and can be used for regulatory filings. Our clear, actionable documentation supports your sustainability initiatives and stakeholder communications.

5. Continuous Improvement

We offer ongoing support to help you monitor, report, and reduce your emissions over time. Our experts stay with you every step of the way, ensuring your GHG strategy evolves with your business needs.

Empower Your Business to Lead with Confidence

Partner with Iconergy for reliable, transparent, and actionable Greenhouse Gas Accounting services. Our experienced team is here to help you navigate the complexities of GHG reporting, meet your regulatory obligations, and achieve your sustainability goals. 


Contacts Us

Ready to take control of your carbon footprint? Contact us today to learn more about how our Greenhouse Gas Accounting services can benefit your business. 

By focusing on accurate reporting, tailored solutions, and actionable insights, Iconergy ensures your business is equipped to meet today’s sustainability challenges. Embrace the future with confidence and integrity—partner with us for your GHG accounting needs. 

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